Montrose School

Statutory School Information

Every local-authority-maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with the School Information Regulations 2012This following information can be found below: 

1. School Contact Details

2. Admission Arrangements

3. Ofsted Reports

4. Assessment Results and Performance Tables

5. Curriculum

6. Phonics and Reading schemes

7. Behaviour Policy

8. Pupil Premium

9. P.E and Sport Premium

10. Special Educational Needs

11. Governors' Information and Duties

12. Charging and Remissions Policies

13. Values and Ethos

14. Request for Copies

 1. School Contact Details

Co-Head Teachers: Mr A. Owens and Miss S. Jackson



Telephone: (0116) 2832328

School Office:

  • If you have any queries, please speak to Mrs Ashton in the office and she will be able to help you. 
  • In an emergency access to the car park can be gained by using the intercom on the right-hand side of the driveway.  At the bottom of the car park there is a blue gate leading to the reception area.
  • For disabled parking use the intercom on the right-hand side of the driveway and ask for disabled parking.  There are two disabled spaces with wheelchair access to the reception area. 
  • Visitors and delivery drivers - press the intercom and enter the school's car park with caution.  Make your way to the bottom of the car park where there is a blue gate leading to the reception area.

School opening times are as follows:

Nursery - morning session from 8.35am - 11.35am Monday to Friday and afternoon sessions (30 hour places) from 11.20am - 3.05pm Monday to Thursday.

Reception to year 6 from 8.45am - 3.15pm

The school office is open from 8.30am until 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

2. Admissions Arrangements

We welcome prospective families wanting to visit our school but formal applications must be made through the School Admissions team at Leicester City Council on (0116) 4541009 or via Leicester City Council's website for primary admissions.  Click here to access the website.

Further information about school admissions can be found on this website at Parents/Admissions Information and in the school prospectus.

3.   Reports

Our most recent Ofsted and Monitoring Inspection reports can be found on this website at About Us /Latest Inspection Reports.

To register your view on our school, use Ofsted's Parent View site.

To access the Ofsted website click here.


4. Assessment Results and Performance Tables

Our latest Key Stage 2 SATs results are outlined on our About Us / Results pageKey Stage 1 results are also available to view on this page.

Parents may access the School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education's website by clicking here.  


5. The Curriculum

Our school delivers a creative curriculum.  Our academic curriculum has been updated to include the Department for Education's National Curriculum, September 2014.  Each year group produces a curriculum overview at the start of each term outlining what children will be learning.  Visit each year group under the Classes tab at the top of this page to find out more.


6. Phonics and Reading Schemes

Visit the English page under the Curriculum tab to find out about the reading and phonics schemes.  

7. Behaviour Policy

Visit the About Us / Policies section of this website to download the policy.


8. Pupil Premium

Click here to visit the Pupil Premium page.


9. PE and Sports Premium

Click here to visit the PE and Sports Premium page.


10. Special Educational Needs

The school's Special Educational Needs policy and SEN report can be found in the policies section of this website at About Us / Policies


11. Governors' Information and Duties

Please click here to visit the Governors' Page.


12. The Charging and Remissions Policies

Please visit the policies section of the website at About Us / Policies.  Information about charging for school activities can also be found in the school prospectus. 


13. The School's Ethos and Values

'Achieving, Caring, Aspiring' 

Our vision is to create a school community where children are inspired, work hard to achieve their full potential and are caring and responsible individuals.  At Montrose Primary School we work hard to provide a happy, caring, stimulating and creative environment where all children can recognise and achieve their potential allowing them to make their best contribution to society.

We strive to provide children with, not only their National Curriculum entitlement, but also a broader experience and extra-curricular activities, which will foster and cater for the interests and abilities of each child.  

Our Values

  • Honesty, integrity, trust and openness
  • Respect for self, others, wider community and environment
  • Self-belief and confidence
  • Open to challenge and new ideas
  • Loyalty to our school and its wider community
  • Generosity and kindness
  • To enjoy and value lifelong learning
  • Aspire, aim and achieve

Our Aims

To work with parents, carers and all our partners to achieve the best outcomes for each child so that ...

  • Everyone achieves their potential through personalised and enjoyable activities in a stimulating environment,

  • Everyone learns how to be safe and feel safe in school and their community,

  • Everyone learns how to be healthy and to make healthy choices,

  • Everyone communicates effectively and with confidence,

  • Everyone has the opportunity to have their voices heard, valued and respected,

  • Everyone learns how to make life choices that lead to their economic security.

On our journey together we work to achieve this by ...

  • Developing positive relationships and communicating effectively,

  • Motivating all to learn through relevant personalised and fun activities in a safe and caring environment,

  • Building on everyone’s self-esteem, empowering all to become valued citizens, with everyone’s contribution to society respected,

  • Promoting positively the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of every child,

  • Ensuring equity within an inclusive setting,

  • Partnership with parents and carers, partner services and the community.


14. Requests for Copies

Paper copies of the information on this website can be made available.  Please contact the school's office to make a request.

Wigston Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire

0116 2832328